Thursday, September 09, 2010

Mexico Goat Comes to Auction

(click to enlarge)

Transcript for this comic:
                                               Sept 9, 2010
  And today's the day...

  I think the mini-donkeys will be happy to get back, almost as much as I won't miss their version of "La Chucaracha" in the showers...

  {...La coo-coo-rasha you cook bad pasta, hee-haw, hee-haw, hee-haw...}

  The fun part should be the ride back. Mervin says that if I don't giggle while I text, I can ride up front...

  Now all sorts of people figure I oughta be worried or sad or something. But I like that paraphrase of the Irish blessing: "May the road come up to meet 'ya and the screen door never beat ya..."

  I figure that life is already too short - and if'n it wUrn't for learning to type and the Internet's Facebook, I'd never have met any of you folks.  - So I'm blessed...  Thanks again!!
- - - -

So the final hour is around 1:30 over at the Midwest Regional Livestock Center (see yesterday's comic for directions.) Billy is going to be auctioned first off, ahead of the rest of the goats and sheep. A reminder - all the proceeds go to the Animal Shelter in town.

Anything you donate on through the various links on the Mexico Goat Facebook page will go to making sure they are the top bidder and the rest to vet care and his support at a local farm (some details in the Mexico Ledger article).

I've said this before - get there early for your photo's with Billy - and to get a good seat at the auction. Lots of parking, but not so many seats inside. And there's some great country cooking at the diner, though. Get your coffee and lunch there...

Of course, stay tuned to the Mexico Goat's Facebook page for all the latest. (Even Twitter is behind on this one...)