Clothes Horses - Slide 1

This is a template test. Were this a real emergency, text would appear telling you where to tune.

Monday, September 30, 2013

An Update - where life leads: often by the nose or ear...

Not cartooning full time, but caricatures part time, occasionally. (a caricature of beauty - like commercial beef: has implants.) Wish things were different sometimes. But then, now I know completely how to make a living from cartoons and artwork in general. Making a...

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Life and its November Challenges: 30-30-30

As if life weren't challenging it's #303030 I found (on another Central Missouri caricaturist's site) a teaser ad about the 30 character challenge - creating 30 characters, one for each day in November. This looked interesting - but didn't seem to be that big...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Mexico Goat (and donkeys) Comes Home

(click to enlarge) Transcript:   Fairy-tale endings can happen, of course. And it's thanks to all of you that made it possible.   We've settled in and enjoyed a nice night's snooze in our new home...                         ...

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Mexico Goat Comes to Auction

(click to enlarge) Transcript for this comic:                                              ...

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Mexico Goat Faces Auction, Late Night Comedy...

(Click to enlarge.) Transcript:   Thanks again for all your support.   Yes, I'm very well and alive at this secret, undisclosed location.   (Dick cheney didn't have any use for it anymore...)   Mervin brought the mini-donkeys along for company and they've...

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Mexico Goat has TV celebrities talking...

(click to enlarge) Some of the more interesting videos being produced on TV as discovered by the Mexico Goat while in his temporary pen at the Mexico Livestock Center. Coming up today is a City Council meeting where he's going to be a topic of discussion - whether to adopt...

Monday, September 06, 2010

The Infamous Facebook "Mexico Goat"

And our Local and International Hero, the "Mexico Goat" - published in press all over the globe, with friends on every continent. Has more Facebook fans than the city has residents. Not bad for someone who only has hooves, but built a power supply for his computer in the livestock...